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Cloudy Water Reports on the South Side of Millsap

Since the Pump Station 3 upgrades were completed, we have had some reports of 'CLOUDY WATER'.

Questions have been asked about the safety of our water due to this issue. We want to assure you that our WATER IS SAFE.

Our water has been tested at several locations and multiple times since the upgrade and the test results show that our water is SAFE.

Cloudy water can be caused by tiny air bubbles in the water. Our operations staff is aware of these reports and is looking into the cause.

For further information regarding Cloudy Water you can see the USGS article at https://www.usgs.gov/special-topics/water-science-school/science/water-qa-why-my-drinking-water-cloudy.

Please continue to report any changes or concerns regarding water quality. You may call our corporate office at 940-682-4416 or you may contact us through our website at www.millsapwatersupplycorp.com