Meter Reading and AutoRead Meters

Our meters are usually read after the 20th day of the month. This can fluctuate depending on weekends, holidays and always on the weather. If you have questions on when we will be reading the meters, please call our office and we will be glad to assist you.

We now have both Manual Read Meters, which are read by our Operations personnel and Badger AutoRead Meters.

The AutoRead meters will be installed in phases. When your meter is updated with the new technology, we will notify you on your bill.

We plan to update all those that are reasonably possible and practical. However, due to technology restrictions, some meters may never be updated with the new technology. If you have questions, please contact our office and we will be glad to assist you.


How to get your meter readings (AutoRead Meters)

The Badger AutoRead Meter and Beacon system has a convenient tool for our customers. You may download an App to your phone, tablet or to your computer to monitor your usage. This App is called "Eye On Water". Please visit this website, for details on the Beacon Eye On Water app available to our customers who have the AutoRead meter installed. You will need your account number to get started with this app.

Please note: IMPORTANT!! If you have this type of meter, you need to avoid mowing over your meter box as this new technology can be damaged. 


How to read your own meter (Manual Read Meters)

STEP 1   Locate your meter box, generally found towards the front of a property, near the street. The box is typically in a direct line with the main outside faucet. It is housed in a box usually marked "water". Remove the lid by using a tool such as a large screwdriver. Insert the tool into one of the holes and pry the lid off.

STEP 2   Once you open the meter box lid, lift the protective cap on the meter. On the face of the meter, there is a large dial and a display of numbers. For the residential meter, each rotation of the dial measures 10 gallons. Read the number display from left to right. Be sure to include the stationary zero. This is your meter reading. Meters measure water in gallons. Charges for the amount of water consumed are rounded to the nearest ten gallons used during a billing period. Compare that reading to what your bill states as your current or present reading.

STEP 3   Keep in mind that you might be checking your meter on a date different from the one used for billing. This could result in a difference in the amount you find, compared with the amount on which your bill is based. However, if your reading is considerably higher than what is on your bill, check for a leak or try to determine the source of large water use. If your reading is significantly lower than the reading on your bill, please contact us and let us assist you in determining the problem.